Cultural Participation

Explore the latest figures about in-person, online and participatory engagement to find out who is engaging and how it's changed in reponse to recent crises.

We look at who engaged in culture in a variety of methods (e.g. population surveys, analysis of ticket-buying) and in relation to a variety of types of engagement (e.g. in person, online and participatory engagement). Different types of people do different things; they also do them in different ways and different amounts. We track those levels of engagement and how they are changing (e.g. which groups’ engagement is up or down post-pandemic), through our own research, others’ research and in academic partnerships. But we also look at what is driving those levels and what that might mean for cultural organisations.

From The Audience Agency

Cultural participation takes in a range of different activities and ways of engaging: things people do creatively themselves and others where people go and experience others' creative efforts. (Of course, watching and listening and reflecting can also be creative acts). We take a broad view on what is included within creative and cultural activity, recognising that most people take part in cultural activity of one sort or another.
Oliver Mantell, Director of Evidence and Insight, The Audience Agency

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Sources from elsewhere

Taking Part Survey

Tableau Public
DCMS has published a set of online data analysis tools designed to make data from the Taking Part survey more accessible.

CASE analysis of the drivers on engagement

Report which explores new methods for determining the value of engagement in culture and sport, provides evidence on what works and develops a theory and working model of engagement to inform policy decisions. (From 2010)

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