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Our team offers a series of Top Tips to help you understand how to practically implement the deeper insights that the new Audience Spectrum Subsegments provide.

Audience Spectrum is a powerful tool to have to hand as you develop your practical marketing and audience development tactics. If you’re already contributing data to Audience Answers, you can start looking at your own audiences through the lens of Audience Spectrum use it to help you understand, serve and sell to your audiences even more effectively.

Here, our team shares some of their top tips on putting Audience Spectrum to practical use:

  1. Get personal with your profiling. Create your own 'personas' for the top Audience Spectrum Subsegments in your audience.
  2. Access your underserved audiences. Identify the segments you aren't reaching in order to grow engagement with them.
  3. Upsell your add-ons more effectively. Increase spend per visit with targeted, automated pre-show emails.
  4. Speak your benefactors' language. Boost your fundraising & individual giving efforts through more precision targeting.

1. Get personal with your profiling.

Create your own 'personas' for the top Audience Spectrum Subsegments in your audience.

     Image of Chris France

Chris France
Head of Product Growth & Customer Success 

As with any segmentation model, it is essential to make sure that Audience Spectrum is relating directly and efficiently to your own audiences and program, and can be implemented effectively by internal teams across your organisation.

2. Access your underserved audiences.

Identify the segments you aren't reaching in order to grow engagement with them.

      Image of Rosanna Cant

Rosanna Cant
Head of Networks 

We often talk about audience development in terms of the ‘low hanging fruit’ of growing warm/already engaged audiences, such as your core segments. However, to neglect the fruit higher up – i.e. those audiences you could be reaching but aren’t currently – is a big mistake.

3. Upsell your add-ons more effectively.

Increase spend per visit with targeted, automated pre-show emails.

      Image of Nancy Sheterline

Nancy Sheterline
Head of Wales 

Email marketing is an essential part of a majority of arts organisations marketing mix, whatever your organisation type or artform, and in whatever strategy, system or process you implement it, Audience Spectrum can be a useful element in your planning.

4. Speak your benefactors' language.

Boost your fundraising & individual giving efforts through more precision targeting.

      Image of Megan Tripp

Megan Tripp
Service & Community Manager 

Insights found in the Audience Spectrum profiles can help you work out how to maximise your fundraising campaigns, who to approach and how to personalise your appeal, sitting neatly alongside other profiling and monitoring methods to help give your campaigns an extra dimension.