Boost your fundraising & individual giving efforts through more precision targeting.

Megan Tripp
Service & Community Manager
As well as for marketing and evaluation, the deeper level of the Audience Spectrum Subsegments can help you work out how to maximise your fundraising campaigns, who to approach and how to personalise your appeal, sitting neatly alongside other profiling and monitoring methods to help give you campaigns an extra dimension.
- Step 1: Get to grips with your target sub-segments?- Take a look at the complete Audience Spectrum profiles to get a sense of each segment’s attitude to giving. Identify your core segment types and then learn more about their sub-segment breakdown to identify your key targets at a deeper level. The more granular detail in the sub-segments is ideal for more practical targeting, particularly in areas such as Greater London and the Edinburgh City Region.
- Step 2: What segments am I already reaching?- Get clear on which segments you already have a relationship with, in other words, which are well represented among your bookers? You can find this via the breakdown of your ticket bookers and / or survey respondents in the Audience Finder Data Tools. By understanding what you have already, is an easier way to find more who are similarly likeminded for giving.
- Step 3: Use the profiles to help get the ask right for each segment – Getting the messaging and ask right around your offer is essential so in relation to your offer, use the pen portraits to help craft your ask and tweak those for different sub-segments groups. For example, Metroculturals and Commuterland Culturebuffs tend to make the highest-value donations. Meanwhile, Experience Seekers can be dependable donors but generally have less disposable income, so you might want to pitch your suggested donation lower. Also make sure to explore what segments are in the population your local catchment area, an Area Profile Report and the catchment insight into Audience Finder Answers should help here.
- Step 4: Look to begin implementing your campaign- If you are doing this through a mailing list for your target audience, start segmenting within your mailing software. You may be doing this purely using Audience Spectrum or also using other booker and fundraising metrics, either way, see Audience Spectrum as an extra dimension to add wider perspective.This is super-easy if you've got an Audience Spectrum license in your ticketing/CRM system, i.e. all the customers on your database are tagged with an Audience Spectrum sub-segment. Identify your target segment, create your list, and you're away. Even if you don't have an Audience Spectrum license, you could still an Area Profile Report or use the free mapping tool in Audience Original to identify where you're likely to find each core segment, then build a mailing list based on the bookers on your database who are residents in those postcodes.
- Step 5: Monitor, report and be agile: Once your campaign has begun, look to continue monitoring the response throughout your campaign and seeing how your audiences respond. No feedback is bad if we can learn from the results, and some audiences may respond better than others for many reasons, including the offer itself, the offer in relation to the particular sub-segment, or other external factors. Though don't give up with using insight to improve your decision making!
Related Guides
- How to apply Audience Spectrum for effective e-comms
- How to use Audience Spectrum to Enhance your Funding Applications
- How to Use Audience Spectrum to Inform Your Programme and Engage with Diverse Audiences
- How to use Audience Spectrum to Target Paid Online Advertising
- How to use the Audience Spectrum Segments in your Catchment Area chart on your Overview Dashboard
- Segmentation made simple
- Using Audience Spectrum Subsegments | Upsell your add-ons more effectively
- Top Tips | Using the Audience Spectrum Subsegments
- Using Audience Spectrum Subsegments | Get personal with your profiling
- Using Audience Spectrum Subsegments | Access your underserved audiences
- How understanding audience segmentation can inform your website user experience
- Explanation: Mosaic
- What is the Audience Spectrum Enhancement in Spektrix, and how does it work?
- How to get started with applying Audience Spectrum attributes to your Spektrix reports
- Using Audience Spectrum strategically as a customer attribute in Spektrix
- Creating and improving dynamic content in Spektrix using Audience Spectrum
Related Questions
- How do I get set up with the Audience Spectrum Enhancement for Spektrix?
- I have an Audience Spectrum license: why are some of my customer records profiled as ‘Unclassified’ & ‘Unmatched.’
Case Studies
Audience Spectrum in Action | Securing Funding for a Circus Festival
Audience Spectrum in Action | Aberdeen Performing Arts
Audience Spectrum in Action | London & Culture Calling Arts
Audience Spectrum in Action | Theatr Brycheiniog
How Audience Spectrum helped support Nottingham Playhouse's Levelling Up Strategy
Looking ahead at Hall for Cornwall
Using Audience Spectrum to drive culture change and a major audience development programme
Audience Spectrum in Action | Edinburgh International Festival