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Using Audience Spectrum Subsegments | #3


Upsell your add-ons more effectively. Increase spend per visit with targeted, automated pre-show emails.

Image of Nancy Sheterline

Nancy Sheterline
Head of Wales


Here’s an evidence-based approach to matching audience types with the kinds of offers and event add-ons that they’re most likely to buy into.

Although initial set up takes a bit of thought and time, automated upselling emails are ultimately an excellent way to bring in much-needed additional income with minimum ongoing effort. Future you will be grateful!

  • Step 1: Segment your mailing lists: Segment your mailing list by Audience Spectrum subsegment type – you’ll need to have Audience Spectrum Licensing to make this happen.
  • Step 2: Create the content for each sub-segment: Create a pre-show email template for each of your top subsegments. To do this well, take a good read of each segments pen portrait to figure out the best tone and images and the offers that will appeal most.
  • Step 3: Schedule and implement: Schedule all versions to send on a fortnightly basis, to all bookers of upcoming events, targeted by subsegment. Voila.

If you’re stuck for content or offer ideas for your subsegments, here are some examples to get you started: