How do I register for an Audience Answers account?

At the moment, we’re only able to accept registrations from organisations already contributing ticketing or survey data to us. If you work for an organisation doing one or both of these things, in order to get connected up to the data it's just a question of registering here for an Audience Answers account. 

Once you submit your request, a member of our team will be in touch within 2 working days with information about your login.

If you work for an organisation who is not currently contributing data to us but you would like to, please explore our survey offer here. We're taking a pause on setting up ticketing analytics for new organisations until later in 2023, but if you're keen to supply ticketing data, please email and we can take your details to send over more information once we're in a position to accept new ticketing clients.

There is also some useful information within our free Evidence Hub which we’d encourage you to take a look at to gain insight into the wider sector.

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