Wave 3 | Summer 2021
July 2021 | 2,002 responses
Initial findings from the June wave of our Cultural Participation Monitor show more about effects on wellbeing, slow willingness to attend, and potential impacts on engagement after the pandemic.
Key Findings
Audiences are Proving Slow to Return
Audiences are proving slow to want to return, with a continuing sense of risk to health and only slow rises in engagement.
Wellbeing has Taken a Serious Blow, but Arts can Help
Wellbeing has taken a serious blow across the population, although many say that arts do help increase wellbeing.
Indications Audience Behaviours May Change After the Pandemic
There are already indications that audience behaviour will be different in the 'new-normal' after the pandemic, particularly in relation to more local attendance, greater digital engagement (alongside, and in some cases replacing, live attendance) and openness to changes in event formats from significant minorities of the population (e.g. through blended digital and live events).