Engagement is set to decline and pantos may struggle

September 2021

Cultural Participation Monitor Wave 4 | Autumn 2021

This research is from The Audience Agency's nationwide longitudinal (ongoing) panel survey of changing views about participating in creative and cultural activities through the recent and ongoing crises, and beyond, the Cultural Participation Monitor.



People expect to engage less in general with arts, culture and heritage in the coming months, with a particular decline in interest in festive shows potentially signalling a bleak midwinter for venues.

Lower Overall Arts Engagement

Cultural participation graphic - lower net engagement by artform

People expect to engage less after Covid than before:

  • mainly for Film (-8%)
  • but also Live Performances (net -3%)

Museums, Galleries and Heritage sites are less affected, however (with responses mostly 'the same').

Cultural participation graphic - people expect to engage lower after covid

Festive Season At Risk

Only 17% rate their likelihood of attending panto this year at 8+ out of 10. Significantly less than the 23% said they attended in a typical previous year [1].

Cultural participation graphic - ratio of people unlikely to attend panto

This, combined with other factors, make it look like panto may have a bad year. These factors being:

  • when people say they typically book,
  • the expected impact on group/school bookings,
  • and the likely drop-off between intention and actual attendance.

Of course, we know how important panto and other Christmas sales are for many venues given that 14% of total sales typically come in weeks 49-52 of the year for venues in Audience Finder, so this finding represents a serious challenge.


[1](This was based on a calculation of the percentage who said they did attend in one, two or three of the last three years). It is worth noting that this compares to 12% in Taking Part 15/16; suggesting over-reporting on both question responses.
