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Audience Spectrum Persona Workshops

Audience Spectrum Services

Get to grips with the Audience Spectrum segments most valuable to your organisation in a fun, interactive workshop for your whole team.

These sessions will help you to:

  • Get to know your audiences. Embed a thorough understanding of the key Audience Spectrum segments in your organisation – their lifestyles, how they engage with arts & culture, what their barriers are, etc.

  • Take a personalised approach. Be tailored to your unique team and organisation - we’ll work together to explore the segments and develop example personas which feel real and relevant to you.

  • Develop your strategies. Allow you to optimise so much of what you do, including audience development planning, communications tactics, programming, fundraising strategies and more.

  • Streamline your day-to-day. Equip you with a clear understanding of how you could apply this knowledge to your daily work.


Prices exclude VAT

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