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Audience Spectrum Bespoke

Audience Spectrum Services

We can use our Audience Spectrum expertise to build an unique segmentation model based on the profiling that really matters for your organisation.

  • Using our national population segmentation we identify with you the segments that really matter for your organisation, in your area, and then build locally relevant mapping, resources and pen portraits.

  • These resources describe how people respond specifically to your offer and enable you to consider how to develop existing and new audiences.

How does it work with my organisation?

Format: Collaborative consultation and delivery

Outputs: Tailored segmentation and supporting resources

Grounded in and building on Audience Spectrum, the most accurate tool for profiling arts, culture and heritage audiences that the cultural sector has ever had, our researchers and consultants work with your team to create a highly specialised segmentation, unique to your own organisation.

This development of your bespoke segmentation will consider Audience Spectrum Tier 1 and Tier 2 segments in terms of your catchments, your different artforms or genres, loyalty and also the population opportunity. The process has four stages:

  1. Profiling what you know. We will conduct extensive interviews with teams across your organisation, to understand exactly what your artistic, social and financial ambitions are for your audience development.
  2. Selecting key segments. Using a combination of your own audience data, our nationwide profiling tools, and sector-leading expertise, we will identify your target segments, both current core engagers and aspirational future attenders.
  3. Building resources. We will then provide you with detailed pen portraits describing how the segments that matter for your organisation in your area respond to your offer, along with recommendations for new opportunities.
  4. Using and evaluating. As you roll-out and get to grips with your bespoke segmentation model, you will continue to receive tailored support from our experts, along with easy to access to the wider Audience Spectrum national benchmarks in Audience Answers, providing evolving insights into how segments respond to emerging issues, like cost-of-living.

Audience Spectrum bespoke is fully compatible with our monitoring, evaluation and campaign tools such as Audience Answers and Area Profile Reports.

From £5,000 annually

Prices exclude VAT

Over to you…

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