Introducing the Overview Dashboard
See your key ticketing metrics at a glance.
- Benchmark your data against organisations of a similar size.
- Readily available year on year or custom comparison.
- Actionable metrics fully explained.
- Free for existing Audience Answers users on the Snapshot plan, with enhanced, paid plans coming soon.
- Developed based on your feedback, with new functionality being introduced during the year.
- See your dashboard filtered by custom event groups Essentials
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Knowing who attends (and who doesn't) helps you to target your marketing, programming and development.
- See the top Audience Spectrum segments you attract.
- Compare your audience against your local population to find out who to target.
- Find out your top local non-attenders to see which groups have the highest potential to target near you.
Monitor how your catchment area is changing.
- Compare your primary, comparison and pre-COVID catchment areas.

Get a snapshot of your organisation's topline sales figures. Understand trends and context by comparing year on year or against benchmarks.
- Benchmark of similarly sized organisations.
- Year on year comparison.
Don’t yet have an account or ticketing data?
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