Population Profile Reports

Population Profile Reports

Want to find out about the demographics and levels of cultural engagement in your catchment or target area using full 2021 census data?

Population Profile Reports offer a user-friendly, and easily actionable snapshot of the people living in a particular area, analysed by demographics and their propensity to engage with arts, museums, heritage, libraries and other culture. They are based on Census, Audience Spectrum and other data sets and can be used to for marketing, strategic planning, advocacy or initiating organisational change.

Population Profile Reports:

  • Include population data from the 2021 Census from England & Wales and next generation Audience Spectrum segmentation insights.

  • Include a summary overview of key metrics and a more detailed Excel report showcasing full data tables and population breakdowns.

  • Are individually designed based on the geographic area you wish to explore, either by drivetime from a venue, or at a ward or local authority level.


Snapshot report showing population changes at local authority level, from 2011-21 censuses.


Essential population and cultural engagement picture of your area, using 2021 census data.


Standard report, plus in-depth look at how the individual wards you are targeting differ.

All prices exclude VAT. Please note that from Sept 2024 we will be moving to a card payment system for reports and will require payment at the point of order confirmation. If you require an invoice with 30 day payment terms this will still be available

Want some help understanding how to get the most out of your Population Profile Report?

  • Population Profile Report for Impact Workshop

    In this workshop, we will walk you and your team through how to get the most out of our popular Population Profile Report Plus.

    Find out more