

From £250 annually

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Collaborate and build a network across the sector, sharing tools, skills, resources and practical insights amongst peers.

We know sharing audience data insight with others can help you understand much more about your own audience and help you work more effectively with others. Which is why we've been building over 20 Audience Answers Networks, and counting, to better support collaboration and growth.

As part of a Network likeminded groups of organisations can share insight:

  • across a range of metrics: demographics, motivations, behaviours, mapping, website and social media,
  • with the aim of contextualising your own data,
  • and practically applying that insight in a relevant and useful way,
  • while benefitting from benchmarking and peer learning.

Simply put, benchmarking helps you define what ‘good’ and ‘best’ mean in a particular field of activity so that you can then work out how you stack up against ‘best in class’, and make informed decisions about what improvements are needed.

Why join an Audience Answers Network?

Do you want to share and talk about what your audiences do (and don’t) have in common with others? Are you part of an organised consortium such as a Cultural Compact? Or maybe you’re an individual organisation looking to connect with a cohort following investment? Whatever your motivations, joining a Network offers:

  • Collaboration opportunities for development, fundraising and advocacy.
  • Peer support and knowledge exchange to build data collection expertise.
  • Practical tools and resources to support good partnership work with peers.
  • Bespoke benchmarking for viewing your data in comparison to your network.
What are Audience Answers Networks?

How do networks operate in practice?

An Audience Answers Network can be set up on the basis of various factors, such as:

  • Place - organisations local to you
  • Artform - organisations with similar cultural offerings to yours
  • Project - organisations looking to make similar changes to you

Each individual organisation will have the opportunity to:

  • tailor your Network membership package to suit your needs,
  • work with our team to develop a year-long programme of support (as light-touch or as facilitated as you want),
  • and structure that activity around your own audience development cycle.