Introducing the New Booking Behaviour Report

Monthly insights into the timing, frequency, proportion of first time visitors and group dynamics of your bookings.

  • Scheduled report provides timely updates in your inbox once a month.
  • Benchmark your data against organisations of a similar size.
  • See change over time by comparing to the same month in the previous year.
  • Request reports filtered by custom event groups.

Available on our Essentials plan

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How far in advance did my bookers book?

Now you can keep a track of how lead times are changing over time for you and for others in your industry.

  • Compare how far in advance your customers book for an event with your peers.
  • See how advance booking has changed over time for you and your benchmark.

How often have my bookers visited in the past 12 months?

Compare the frequency of your bookers between this month and the same month last year.

  • See how your own data compares to your benchmark year on year.

How many of my bookers were new?

See at a glance the number and proportion of your bookers that haven't visited you before.

  • Compare year on year and to your benchmark.

What was the party size of my bookers?

See the percentage breakdown of what size parties attended your events in April compared to your previous April and the benchmark

  • Also includes average party size year on year and against a benchmark.

Available on our Essentials plan

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